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5 Reasons to Choose Chiropractic for Auto Injury Treatment

Written By Active Health on August 5, 2020

rsz autoaccident2Patients and their goals are always our first priority. Did you know Florida has some of the most dangerous roadways in the country?

Every year, over 255 thousand people are injured in vehicle accidents on Florida roads. If you’ve recently suffered a car accident, it’s important to seek auto injury treatment immediately – even if you feel fine or it wasn’t a serious accident.

Why is Chiropractic the Best Auto Injury Treatment?

Prompt treatment from a qualified chiropractor is important for avoiding chronic pain. Here’s why.

  1. Chiropractic is Proactive

Your chiropractic doctor won’t tell you to go rest at home and come back when the pain is unbearable but surgery is your only option. He or she will immediately jump into action with x-rays and appropriate treatments.

  1. It’s Natural

A chiropractic doctor will never prescribe dangerous opioids. Instead, they’ll get to the root of the injury to recommend a natural and gentle treatment plan.

  1. It’s Safe 

Chiropractors always use the gentlest treatment method possible. The goal is to gradually help your body heal from the injury with gentle adjustments, stretches, and exercises.

  1. Most Insurance Plans Cover Chiropractic Care

If you have insurance, your plan likely covers chiropractic care following an auto injury or workplace injury. Likewise, Active Health accepts all major insurance plans. 

Even if you’re a cash patient, chiropractic visits are generally much more affordable and provide more predictable costs than physician visits.

  1. It’s Comprehensive

At Active Health, we have a well-rounded team of chiropractic doctors, nurse practitioners, and physical therapists with backgrounds in a wide range of disciplines. We know every case is unique. We’re prepared to help each patient develop a personalized treatment plan focused on their long-term recovery.

Don’t Wait for a Car Accident to Cause Chronic Pain

If you’ve recently suffered a car accident, don’t wait for the pain to get worse before you take action. Prompt and proactive treatment can help your spine heal and avoid long-term complications. At Active Health Center our experienced providers each bring their own distinct talents, perspectives and passion to our practic, many of which are reflective of their own personal health and wellness journeys.

The Active Health team of experienced chiropractic doctors and physical therapists has the resources to assess any potential injuries and set you on the path to recovery. Schedule an appointment in North Palm Beach by calling 561-842-2273.

Posted In: Chiropractic Auto Injury Treatment