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Physical Therapy For Chronic Low Back Pain

Written By Active Health on April 27, 2023

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If chronic lower back pain is preventing you from working, sleeping, exercising, and taking part in your hobbies, you should visit one of our chiropractors for treatment. Our chiropractors can offer safe, non-invasive, drug-free low back pain treatment that will help you get back to living your normal life, pain free. Schedule an appointment with our office for physical therapy in North Palm Beach.

Drug-Free and Surgery-Free Treatment Options

If you want to avoid prescription painkillers and surgical procedures to treat your chronic low back pain, our chiropractors may recommend physical therapy. Physical therapy focuses on personalized, patient-centered care and treatments that have proven, scientific success at reducing pain and inflammation, improving flexibility and range of motion, and helping patients get back on their feet. 

Posture Correction

Our chiropractors or physical therapists might recommend posture correction to improve your balance and help you move around more freely. Posture correction and chiropractic adjustments can help realign the spine and restore balance, so that there is less pressure on your lower back. 

Strengthening Your Core

Your core muscles support your spine and movement. Our physical therapists or chiropractors will guide you through exercises that strengthen these core muscles so that they better support the spine. Over time, this will improve your posture and balance, and reduce pain and stiffness.

Retraining Muscles

The physical therapy activities our chiropractors recommend will help retrain your muscles. Whether you have low back pain from an accident, injury, age-related wear and tear, repetitive stress, or poor posture, your muscles may weaken and become tight from adopting a hunched position to reduce pain and protect your lower back. As you strengthen your muscles and they become more limber, you retrain them so that they lengthen and offer better support to your lumbar spine.

Therapeutic Exercises and Stretches

Using therapeutic exercises and stretches at home will keep your muscles limber and strong. Maintaining your progress and focus in between physical therapy appointments gives you a better chance of long-term success.

Interested in Physical Therapy in North Palm Beach? 

If you think you’d benefit from physical therapy in North Palm Beach, FL, for chronic low back pain, come see us at Active Health. Our chiropractors and physical therapists specialize in patient-centered care, innovative and cutting-edge technology, and evidence-based approaches to health care. To learn more about physical therapy and find out how it can reduce low back pain, improve mobility, and help you get back to a pain-free life, call us today at (561) 842-2273 or request an appointment online.

Posted In: Back Pain