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Signs You Should Visit a Chiropractor for Low Back Pain

Written By Active Health on January 11, 2024

a woman at a desk with back pain

Low back pain is an incredibly common injury in adults and can be caused by a muscle sprain or strain, work or sports injury, poor posture, structural problem, or a disc injury. At Active Health, our chiropractors and physical therapists have extensive experience assessing, diagnosing, and treating low back pain in North Palm Beach, FL. Let’s take a look at some of the signs you should visit one of our chiropractors for low back pain. 

Pain Is Preventing You From Living Your Life

If your back pain is preventing you from taking part in your normal daily activities, you should seek back pain treatment. Chronic or acute low back pain can make it hard to sit, stand, walk, and run. If you haven’t been able to exercise, sleep, work, or enjoy your hobbies because your back pain is too intense, our chiropractors and physical therapists can help you find pain relief.

Your Pain Radiates or Travels

Sciatica is a collection of symptoms that occur when your sciatic nerve is compressed, irritated, or injured. This can happen because of a herniated or bulging disc, bone spur, or another spinal issue. If your lower back pain is sharp, stabbing, burning, or itching and it radiates from your lower back through your hips and down one leg, you may have sciatic nerve damage. Our team can assess your symptoms and evaluate your overall health and lifestyle and then recommend treatment for your sciatica. 

Back Pain Isn’t Your Only Symptom

If back pain isn’t your only symptom, the pain may be indicating a more serious underlying condition. Back pain can sometimes be a symptom of kidney stones, bone infections, tumors, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, or endometriosis. If you have back pain along with any of these other symptoms, you should visit us right away:

  • Numbness and tingling of the limbs
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Muscle weakness in the legs
  • Leg pain
  • Fever
  • Weight loss
  • Blurred vision 

You Spend All Day at a Desk

If you spend all day sitting down, your back pain may be caused by structural issues with your spine. Added pressure is put on the lumbar spine or lower back when you’re sitting down. If you don’t maintain proper posture and get up every hour to walk around and stretch, you risk acute or chronic damage to the nerves, muscles, vertebrae, and discs of the lower back. Frequent compression of those areas can cause back pain, stiffness, trouble getting up from a seated position, and pain that worsens when you stand up or with movement. 

Find Back Pain Relief in North Palm Beach, FL

If your back pain has persisted for two weeks or more without relief, our team at Active Health can help. Our chiropractors and physical therapists will work together to take a multidisciplinary approach towards back pain treatment in North Palm Beach, FL. Find relief when you request an appointment today.

Posted In: Low Back Pain