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Physical Therapy for Core Strengthening & Stretching

Written By Active Health on December 12, 2022

physical therapy

Physical therapy is known for helping people recover from injuries, but it can also be helpful for preventing injuries in the first place. Physical therapists help people stay healthy by teaching them how to strengthen and stretch their core muscles. At Active Health, we offer physical therapy in North Palm Beach to help our patients keep their bodies healthy and prevent injuries.

How Do Strong Core Muscles Prevent Injury?

When it comes to preventing injuries, strengthening and stretching the core muscles is key. The core muscles are the muscles around the trunk of the body, including the abdominal muscles, back muscles, and hips. These muscles work together to stabilize the spine and pelvis and allow the limbs to move freely. Strong core muscles help the body resist twisting and turning forces that can lead to injuries.

Stretching the core muscles is also important for preventing injuries. When the muscles are tight, they can’t work properly and are more likely to be injured. Stretching helps to lengthen the muscles and increase their range of motion.

How Does Physical Therapy Strengthen the Core Muscles?

Many different exercises can be used to strengthen the core muscles. Physical therapists will design a customized exercise program based on each patient’s needs and goals. The type of exercises used will vary depending on the individual, but may include things like sit-ups, crunches, leg raises, and planks.

Physical therapy can also help to improve flexibility and range of motion in the muscles. This is done through stretching exercises, which can work by lengthening the muscles and improving joint range of motion. Our physical therapists can teach patients how to properly stretch their muscles to safely improve their flexibility and avoid injuries in their daily lives.

Contact Us Today for Physical Therapy in North Palm Beach

If you’re interested in learning more about how physical therapy can strengthen your core and help you prevent injuries, contact Active Health today by calling us at (561) 842-2273 or scheduling an appointment online. We offer physical therapy in North Palm Beach, FL and would be happy to help you achieve your health and fitness goals.

Posted In: Physical Therapy